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Cairn – Social Responsibility

Cairn care for the future of our planet, people, and wildlife. We want to do “our bit” ethically and sustainably to make sure we are being as good to the planet as we can be. We cannot rely on governments to reduce our carbon footprint. We must all take responsibility. We are working to mitigate our environmental footprint so the children of tomorrow can have hope for the future.

We aim to plant 500 plus trees this year to demonstrate our commitment to enhancing biodiversity and creating more green infrastructure we hope to help Trees for Life with their great work in the Scottish Highlands.

For every lease we sign or property we sell we will donate.

However, our just giving page allows anyone to donate. It costs £5 plus VAT to plant a tree.

As well as buying trees, there is also an option to give smaller donations through the grove page, which would go towards core funding. These funds are vital in allowing Trees for Life to continue rewilding work out with and including tree planting.

So perhaps next time you are flying or perhaps want to plant a tree for a loved one for a special occasion or wish to do a fundraiser / charity event / coffee morning it would great if you could donate to our Grove Page –

#ourplanetourhome #treesforlife #treesforthefuture

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