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Meet the Team – Jacqui Dalrymple Property Manager

Describe your role in one sentence at Cairn?

I am a property manager with Cairn, where I am the main point of contact for our landlords and tenants throughout Glasgow and surrounding areas.

How long have you worked at Cairn?

I have worked for Cairn just short of 2 years now.

What’s the best thing about working at Cairn?

The team, I enjoy coming into work everyday due to the environment and the people I work with.

The best thing about working in the property industry?

The best thing would have to be the variation, no day is the same. It is also a very busy job which I love.

Give us an interesting fact about yourself?

In my spare time I attend an all women’s weightlifting class and I am training to become a group personal trainer.

Who are your hero’s inside and outside of business?

My Mum and all the strong woman I work with!

One piece of advice you could give your younger self

Acknowledging the good you already have in life is the foundation of abundance and happiness.

What qualities do you most admire in others?

I admire confidence and courage, being able to take criticism and growing from it.

Where is your favourite place in Scotland?

Glasgow, can’t beat the Glaswegian banter!



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