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Meet the Team – Zoe Simpson – Property Inspector Glasgow

Describe your role in one sentence at Cairn?

I’m an External agent so I carry out inspections, move outs, deposit returns, meeting tenants, landlords and contractors. Basically anything that involves being out of the office and making sure that our properties are being well looked after and our landlords and tenants are happy.

(Sorry that was 2 sentences!)

How long have you worked at Cairn?

Around 7 years now.

What’s the best thing about working at Cairn?

I love that Cairn is an independent and can change and adapt to conditions. We have the best team who all work well together and are very supportive.

The best thing about working in the property industry?

Definitely that every day is different so it never gets dull and you get to meet some really interesting people and hear some fascinating stories from them.

Give us an interesting fact about yourself?

After never having ran in my adult life, last year I decided to do the NHS Couch to 5k programme and I now run a 5k three times a week. If I can do it anyone can so give it a go.

Who are your heroes inside and outside of business?

Inside of business would be anyone who doesn’t let pressure get on top of them.

Outside of business I would say probably Barrack Obama. I’ve just finished reading his book and as well as being (in my opinion) an excellent President during his terms, I think he seems like an all round good guy.

One piece of advice you could give your younger self?

I think everyone says this but don’t worry about what other people think of you. Aim to be happy and content in yourself and life will be much simpler.

What qualities do you most admire in others?

Honesty and kindness. Both of these are huge qualities in my book.

Where is your favourite place in Scotland?

Scotland is such a stunning country, however, you cannot beat the banter in Glasgow!

If someone would like to get in touch with you about a property, how should they get in touch?

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